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Sunday, February 23, 2014

How to lose weight fast?

Human body weight mainly depends on bone density and protein mass. It varies from gender to age, like in children the mass of both bone & protein both are less. Protein mass is high mainly in males rather than females. The male body contains 70% protein (compared to solid mass in the body) that is associated with muscle mass. But none of this (protein & bone), is not bad or detrimental to the body’s heavyweight.

The main problems occur when the fat contains increases in the body than the normal limit. Usually, the female body contains more fat tissue than the male. But when the body fat limit goes to over the BMR (Basal Metabolic Rate, over this limit 30kg/m (height in meter)2) limits, then it’s a problem for both sexes. The risk for many diseases increases with this extra weight, so body weights have to control an ineffective way where bodies normal function will not be hampered. 

Some steps toward Losing weight fast include,

  • Intake sufficient natural vegetables, that contain fiber. From research, it is proved that fiber in vegetables reduces the LDL (Low-density lipoprotein-Bad cholesterol) and TG (triglyceride -Fat) levels.
  • Intake limited calorie food which will provide less energy than you need every day, so the body will take that extra calorie from your body fat layer & resulting in a reduction of fat mass. Like if your body supplies 500 calories every day from your body itself (rather than food), it will reduce by ½ pound each week.
  • Exercise like walking because 200 muscle work to give you the assurance of one step, so by walking less wear & tear occurs in the body that reduces physical streets. But by running you can lose more weight than walking, like eating less but doing more.
  • Reduce salt intake, because Sodium present in salt retains more water in your body and you make you look puffy.
  • Starch (more present in potatoes) has to reduce, and fatty food items, like red meat or fatty milk, have to avoid.
  • Sweets or glucose or any sports drinks have to avoid because these drinks contain huge energy (calorie) that aggravates your body weight.
  • Avoid sitting for a long time, it has been proved that a long time of sitting prevents peristalsis (movement) of GIT(Gastrointestinal tract) that causes constipation and its constipation makes scope to absorb all of the food nutrients from your gut.
  • Take plenty of water; it reduces of occurrence of constipation (A risk factor of hemorrhoidal disease, like fistula and piles).
  • Human psychology says your plate will make you obese; people take a small plate and eat less. Never make busy yourself watch TV during eating; it will help to increase your food consumption.
  • If your metabolism increases then it will help you to burn your weight rapidly, Heavy working people or topical areas people normally high metabolizers than cold areas people.
  • People, who exercise more are normally heavily weighted, it's due to their muscle mass (protein contain in the body), which is not bad. But due to having huge muscles, their body needs more oxygen than normal people and normally they are high metabolizers.

For more information visit our website: circadianhrt.com

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