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Sunday, February 23, 2014

Hormone replacement therapy for human

Hormone replacement therapy

Hormone an endocrine secretion does lots of biological function in hthe uman body. It’s secret from ethe ndocrine gland from different locations of the human body. This (hormone) catalyze numerous essential function of the human body, it promotes height, strengthens bone, catabolizes fat and protein, and control all reproductive function of the human body. Hormonal secretion varies from age to sex or by genetic makeup or illustration but the overall amount of secretion is the same. Pick secretion of all hormone increase at the age of puberty (14-18 years of age) that regulation is a milestone to change a child into a reproductive human-like woman or man.

Now comes in the topic of HRT or Hormone Replacement Therapy normally taken by females after the ages of 50 or 45 but now it’s becoming common in both gender.

Why do they take that? Female fertility depends on a cycle called a menstrual cycle, by this system an organ name placenta are producing different hormones that a female body needs to regulate its function. These cycles control the overall secretion of reproductive hormones in a female body. Due to this hormone, a girl becomes a mother one day. Some of this important hormone (female) includes estrogen, progesterone, androgen, relaxin, estradiol, etc.

Estrogen mainly works to make a female attractive. Its function includes fine-tuning the skin tone, osteoblastic (help to bone growth) activity, breast development, protein catabolism (Storing in the body), vagina and uterus development, etc.

Progesterone also plays an important function like balancing the electrolyte level, promoting breast and its consequences of lactation, and playing a huge role in uterus development.

Androgen is necessary for the secondary sexual characteristics of females and another hormone promotes bone growth and reduces the risk of osteoporosis (erosion of bone tissue).

For more information visit our website: circadianhrt.com

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